Online Rummy tagged posts
Variations or Types of Rummy
November 17, 2024Rummy
- There are few games that carry the same level of excitement in a casino and outside it. Not many games are available in so many variants all of which are insanely popular. Indian Rummy is one such game and it has been the peoples game acting as a catalyst in developing friendships and carmaraderie. The game is universally popular and playedRead More
Is Rummy legal in India?
November 17, 2024Rummy
- India has an ancient relationship with gambling. It is written about in the ancient texts of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Apparently, games of dice and cards were very prevalent way back in 430 B.C. It is a globally known fact that Yudhishtira was cheated by Shakuni in a dice game for his kingdom and wealth. Even one of the world’s most antiquatedRead More
Rummy Strategy and Tips
November 17, 2024Rummy
- Card games are usually more intense and demand a higher level of concentration and focus. The player’s decision has a major impact on the game as a single wrong move can spoil the show. To play and win in Rummy one should be sure of certain things. Here are some exclusive tips that can help you to beat your opponent.Read More
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