Present Day Status of Online Poker in India
November 21, 2024
Poker has gained popularity amongst Indian players quite recently. Poker rooms are becoming more crowded and poker is even replacing Teen Patti or Flash as a game of choice at Diwali parties. Poker is from the galaxy of gambling card games which are based on probability, player psychology and ability to bluff other players. It has gained amazing fame since the advent of the internet and now it seems as though the whole world is going after it. The new culture of Poker in Cyber World is going viral everywhere, including the Indian subcontinent. So if you are still not sure about online poker in India, here is the page that can help you to unseat all doubts about it so you may enjoy this universally breathtaking game.
Position of Online Poker in India
The people of India are very curious about the god of all card games that is Poker. It has been glamorized by Hollywood stars and sports mega stars like by Matt Damon, Tiger Woods and Australian spin wizard Shane Warne on many occasions. It is predominantly known as the game of hardcore skills and strategy where the element of luck is not always in the spotlight, hence it cannot be covered under the umbrella of chance based games.
The Indian Supreme Court has already defined gambling on chance or luck based games as illegal. Though the law on poker is still not clear, playing poker cannot be considered as the violation of law, “irrespective of whether games of skills are played for money or not”. The game can also be placed alongside chess and golf. To improve the overall position of online gambling and which games are included in its purview, the government should make some speedy decisions otherwise the nation will continue to stay in a state of limbo.
How to Create a Poker Friendly Environment
Gambling has been an old tradition of Indian culture since the Stone Age. Indians used the nuts of the Bibhitaki tree as dice even before the six sided dice was invented in West. One of the world’s most ancient mythological epic called “Mahabharata” revolved around the protagonist’s skills at board and dice games. But, why in today’s advanced age, the government cannot provide a concrete supervising body to decide one way or another is something we could not find answers to. The people of India are very keen to get their hands on poker and would surely appreciate any regularization provided by government.
Who doesn’t want to turn a few rupees into millions, especially when they have the skill to do so. India is a strong potential market for online gambling and today the ball is in the government’s court. The Indian government should take a cue from UK and other European nations and even certain states in the US and get mileage out of online gambling. Even if it wants to declare them illegal, it needs to provide a legal body for online games which will provides some solution in the near future.
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